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The Speaker Fight

Thursday, January 5, 2023

11:35 AM

In the historic battle to elect the next speaker, the 'rebel' opponents of McCarthy claim they want more democratic reforms that will give more power to individual members; in committee and on the floor making for a diminished Speaker.


Some Democrats, and even media commentators have offered some begrudging sympathy with this goal; that the Speaker should not be a dictator and individual members should be given more opportunity for amendments, etc.


For those frustrated with the inaction and seeming chaos in Washington, this is exactly the WRONG prescription.   Over the last several decades that paralysis has grown in direct proportion to the diminishment of leadership authority.  With every series of 'reforms' (mostly by Republicans, oddly enough) the Speaker and other leaders have lost the ability to get anything done.


Earmarks…..(investigate other rules….)

Single Issue bills

Rules committee as traffic cop - open rule process

Unanimous consent

Committee structure??

They ARE radical deviations from the norm!!

Leadership needs to be a consensus builder

Suspension bills?

It is a prescription for chaos - naïve!



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