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The Real - and Continuing - Trump Threat

Donald Trump continues to represent one of the most serious existential threats to the nation and our institutions. Not just that he's a hideous and ignorant human being who lies, cheats and bullies his way through any decency and civility (and which many seem to excuse). It's that on a much larger level he poses a threat to the freedom, prosperity and lives of millions around the globe; not just Americans.

At a news conference after the G-20 summit in Osaka, Trump was asked about whether 'western liberal democracy' was at risk from the likes of Putin and Xi. He answered by referring to Democrats in California; clearly not understanding what the term meant - nor likely do most of his supporters.

The irony is that Trump himself represents the greatest threat to western liberal democracy - that is the democratic principle that dominates western nations emphasizing the primacy of the individual and the subservience of government - with all the rights that are the foundation of self-government and, of which, the US was the foremost champion…..until maybe now. The threat has traditionally been from authoritarian government structures - like Russia, China and many other governments that rely less on the rule of law and more on communist, military or strongman-led regimes that control individual rights and institutions. It used to be that American conservatives were the most stalwart defenders of 'western liberal democracy'; accusing liberals (meaning primarily Democrats) of empowering government to play an every larger role in the lives of individuals. The irony is that it with its surrender to a cult of personality and potential dictatorship, the right in the U.S. has abdicated its core principles.

In a similar way; his threat is economic and geopolitical. Western liberal democracy in general, and America in particular, have built over the last 70 years an international order governed by rules of law and integrated trade that has intertwined and homogenized peoples, cultures and economies the world over -- and in the process lifted the standard of living for billions of people to historic levels. This has meant that stronger, more powerful nations have played by rules that balance the playing field in the interests of promoting democracy and individual rights - along with a 'rising tide lifts all boats' economic playing field. The shifting global economics has created dislocations for many and demagogues have capitalized on them, stoking fears of immigrants and 'the other' and providing an outlet for resentment, anger and bigotry. There is nothing constructive in this agenda. It is about cruelty, vengeance and raw political power.

Trump's tactic is that of the schoolyard bully. It is an ignorant perception that the U.S. has been taken advantage of by other nations - primarily our allies. The underlying theme of this "America First" mentality is that the U.S. should use its inherent strength and size to dominate other nations into a fealty to us; essentially making them vassal states. This is ultimately self-defeating. It severs the economic linkages that allow for cooperation and harmonization between states and cultures; leaving a vacuum in which competition is more likely to be military. It also creates resentments among states - including the bully state - that make military confrontation more likely.

Western liberal democracy and the United States, the shining children of the Enlightenment, with the respect, decency and empathy of the individual at their core, have been the glue that have inspired and enriched the world ----and built institutions to enshrine and protect those principles.

Are we entering a new dark age, where democracy, the individual, and economic vitality are at risk with catastrophic military conflicts? It is beyond tragic that so many Americans can't see -- or never had the education to understand - their inherited legacy and responsibility. So many seem so willing to turn over their rights, prosperity and even safety to forces that threaten them and their families.

Certainly, never in the history of mankind has one doofus been able to impose so much damage on so many people.


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