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The Exchange - John Grisham

Remember 'The Firm?' Grisham's first novel that launched his career (although I think he had a previous attempt that was overlooked). This is a long-awaited sequel.

Fifteen years before, Mitch and Abby McDeere get caught up in and expose the crimes of a Memphis law firm that secretly represents the Mob. Threatened with their lives, they cleverly escape the country. Now, Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favor that takes him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the center of a sinister plot with worldwide implications, endangering his colleagues, friends and family. Mitch becomes a master at staying one step ahead of the bad guys.

As usual, Grisham delivers an entertaining, page-turning yarn. In this case, I think the conclusion fell a bit flat. With some confusion, the victim is rescued without any real tension or drama. I got the feeling he just wanted to end it with a half-hearted finale. Nevertheless, very engaging.


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