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Horse - Geraldine Brooks

Recommended by my wife, Martha (she's selective in suggesting a title), I now highly recommend. Brooks is a vivid writer who effortlessly drops you in turns between1850's Kentucky, 1950's New York and 2020 Washington with stories that dramatically hinge on the true story of one of America's most successful racehorses. Race issues in each period present challenges to the characters that play out both tragically and heroically. The joy is in Brooks' styling that gets the reader every-so-close to the characters without being so intensely overdrawn that it's hyped or preachy. You'll cheer on Jarrett as the young slave who is the trainer and guardian of this phenomenal animal. You'll wish success for the young art collector in mid-century New York struggling to get her gallery established. And you'll hope the young couple digging together in today's Smithsonian and facing modern racial challenges will end up happily ever after. Very impactful last 100 pages.


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